关于「 wrapcast」的内容列表

Vitalik: The potential applications of the meta-universe are untapped compared to AI and cryptocurrencies

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin told Wrapcast that generative artificial intelligence is helping me write code, draw graphs, and learn. Cryptocurrencies are helping me with Global Payments, use more open social networks, and get a new class of supplemental news through multi-marketplaces. What is the meta-universe doing? (The real question, not the attack)

2024-09-13 13:23:04

以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在 Wrapcast 表示,生成式人工智能正在帮助我编写代码、绘制图形和学习。加密货币正在帮助我进行国际支付、使用更开放的社交网络,并通过多市场获得一类新的补充新闻。元宇宙在做什么?(真正的问题,不是攻击)

2024-09-13 13:23:04

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